
Our service levels offer increasing depths of data collection and analysis, ensuring the most reliable and actionable insights. Each level includes a new method of data collection, corresponding detailed analysis, a thorough report, and strategic recommendations.


Mixed Method Survey

  • Our Essential service includes:

    • Initial consultation and outcome strategy session

    • Administration of customer survey

    • Analysis of survey data

    • Custom report and recommendations

  • Custom report with survey data, analysis, and recommendations.

    Robust customer insights can provide numerous benefits and lead to several optimal outcomes for a business.

    By effectively utilizing customer insights, businesses can drive growth, improve customer satisfaction, and gain a competitive edge in their industry.

  • Our pricing is tailored to meet the unique needs of each client. Request a personalized consultation today to discuss how we can best support your business goals and provide a solution that fits your requirements.


Mixed Method Survey Triangulated with Individual Interviews

  • Our Advanced service includes:

    • Initial consultation and outcome strategy session

    • Administration of customer survey

    • Conducting of 1:1 customer interviews to expand and triangulate data

    • Analysis of survey and interview data

    • Custom report and recommendations

  • Custom report with survey data, interview data, transcripts, qualitative and quantitative data analysis, and strategic recommendations.

    Robust customer insights can provide numerous benefits and lead to several optimal outcomes for a business.

    By effectively utilizing customer insights, businesses can drive growth, improve customer satisfaction, and gain a competitive edge in their industry.

  • Our pricing is tailored to meet the unique needs of each client. Request a personalized consultation today to discuss how we can best support your business goals and provide a solution that fits your requirements.

Elite - most popular

Mixed Method Survey, Individual Interviews, and Focus Group

  • Our Elite service includes:

    • Initial consultation and outcome strategy session

    • Identification of ideal study participants

    • Administration of customer survey

    • Conducting 1:1 customer interviews, achieving saturation

    • Facilitation of 1 focus group to expand and triangulate data

    • Analysis of survey, interview, and focus group data

    • Custom report and recommendations

  • Custom report with survey data, interview data, transcripts, qualitative and quantitative data analysis, and strategic recommendations.

    Robust customer insights can provide numerous benefits and lead to several optimal outcomes for a business.

    By effectively utilizing customer insights, businesses can drive growth, improve customer satisfaction, and gain a competitive edge in their industry.

  • Our pricing is tailored to meet the unique needs of each client. Request a personalized consultation today to discuss how we can best support your business goals and provide a solution that fits your requirements.

Why Sovereign+.

  • Elisa serves as primary researcher holds the following CITI certifications.

    Researchers - Social and Behavioral Focus (Curriculum Group)

    Researchers - Social and Behavioral Focus (Course Learner Group)

    You may view this certification on Elisa's LinkedIn profile.

  • Elisa holds advanced degrees in Business Management (MBA - Management and Strategy), and Instructional Design (EdD - Educational Leadership).

    She has been conducting research in various forms for more than 20 years.

    She is practiced in all forms of data collection:

    • Primary Data:

      • Surveys and Questionnaires: Gathered directly from participants.

      • Interviews: Detailed and direct responses from individuals.

      • Focus Groups: Group discussions to collect diverse perspectives.

      • Observations: Directly observing subjects in their natural environment.

      • Experiments: Controlled studies to test hypotheses.

      • Field Notes: Detailed notes from field research or observations.

    • Secondary Data:

      • Published Research Articles: Peer-reviewed journals and academic papers.

      • Books and Monographs: Comprehensive texts on specific topics.

      • Reports: Institutional, governmental, or organizational reports.

      • Theses and Dissertations: Academic research from graduate studies.

      • Case Studies: In-depth analyses of specific instances or examples.

    • Gray Literature:

      • Conference Proceedings: Papers and presentations from academic conferences.

      • White Papers: Authoritative reports or guides published by organizations.

      • Technical Reports: Detailed documents from technical or research organizations.

      • Government Documents: Policy papers, legislative records, and official statistics.

      • Preprints: Research papers that have not yet been peer-reviewed.

    • Big Data:

      • Social Media Data: Information from social platforms like Twitter, Facebook, etc.

      • Web Analytics: Data from website interactions and user behavior.

      • Transactional Data: Information from sales, purchases, and financial transactions.

    • Qualitative Data:

      • Audio and Video Recordings: Data from interviews, focus groups, and other interactions.

      • Textual Analysis: Analysis of text data from various sources like transcripts or documents.

      • Ethnographic Data: Rich, contextual data gathered from immersive fieldwork.

    • Quantitative Data:

      • Statistical Data: Numerical data used for statistical analysis.

      • Surveys and Questionnaires: Structured data collected through standardized instruments.

      • Experimental Data: Data obtained from controlled experiments.

    • Historical Data:

      • Archives: Historical documents, records, and personal papers.

      • Historical Records: Data from past events, census data, and historical accounts.

  • Elisa started in the music industry in 1998 and has held the following roles:

    • Instrument sales and rentals

    • Credit and collections

    • Accessories department manager

    • Educational sales rep

    • Clinician and Conductor

    • Nonprofit executive

    • Sales manager

    • Trainer

    • Instructional designer

    • Operations manager

    • Digital product manager

    • Educational strategist

    • Executive consultant

    • Artist management

    • Digital Marketing

    • Development director

    • Music instructor (classroom and studio)

    • Podcast Host and Producer

    • Author

    • COO

    • CEO

    And in the areas where she is less familiar, she is ready and willing to learn.

  • Since 2013 Elisa has specialized in business analysis and strategic planning.

    She has used her first-hand knowledge alongside her formal training to help businesses, organizations, and nonprofits around the globe.

    Most of the consulting she has performed is under an NDA, but those she can share may be found here.

Our Process

  • We begin each project with a comprehensive consultation with you and your stakeholders.

    Our goal is to ensure that we design your Bespoke Customer Insights study and report to align perfectly with your desired outcomes.

    After defining the objectives, we meticulously plan each phase of the project, including:

    • Research Questions: Tailoring inquiries to meet your specific goals.

    • Participants: Identifying and recruiting the right individuals for your study.

    • Survey Design: Crafting surveys that capture meaningful and actionable data.

    • Semi-structured Interview Guide: Developing a detailed guide for interviews (available with the Advanced option).

    • Focus Group Facilitation Guide: Creating a comprehensive guide for focus group sessions (available with the Elite option).

  • We handle the complete data collection process with precision.

    Our services include designing and administering surveys, conducting interviews, and facilitating focus groups. We prioritize the highest standards of anonymity and privacy protection throughout the data collection phase.

    Once data collection is complete, we initiate a thorough analysis. Our objective is to achieve data saturation and triangulation, ensuring that our findings are robust, transferable, and trustworthy. In essence, we focus on making sure that both the process and the data are reliable and valuable.

  • Following the data analysis, Elisa will present a set of strategic recommendations tailored to the desired outcomes discussed during your initial consultation.

    You will receive your Bespoke Customer Insights Report in a professionally prepared portfolio, which includes the survey results, interview transcripts (if applicable), and focus group transcripts (if applicable).


  • We collect and analyze various forms of data, including surveys, interviews, focus groups, and other relevant sources. This may include quantitative and qualitative data tailored to your specific needs.

  • We adhere to strict confidentiality protocols and use secure systems to protect your data. Anonymity and privacy are top priorities throughout the data collection and analysis process.

  • First, you must complete our application form. Once your project is accepted, we begin with an in-depth consultation to understand your goals and objectives. Based on this, we design a customized study plan and manage the entire data collection and analysis process.

  • The timeline depends on the complexity of the project and the scope of data collection. We provide a detailed timeline during the initial consultation and keep you updated throughout the process.

  • Yes, we work closely with you to define clear and actionable research questions and objectives that align with your business goals.

  • The report includes a comprehensive analysis of the data collected, strategic recommendations, survey results, and transcripts from interviews and focus groups (if applicable).

  • Yes, we offer additional services such as developing strategic plans based on our recommendations and providing ongoing support to implement the insights.

    View our portfolio for some examples of what we've done.

  • We use rigorous methods to ensure data accuracy, including achieving saturation and triangulation. Our analysis is conducted with the utmost care to ensure the reliability and validity of the findings.

  • Our team consists of experienced researchers with data collection, analysis, and strategic consulting expertise. With Elisa overseeing, we bring a wealth of knowledge to each project to deliver high-quality insights.

  • Pricing varies based on the scope and complexity of the project. We provide a detailed quote and project proposal during the initial consultation.

  • Absolutely. We tailor our data collection methods to meet your unique requirements and objectives.

  • We proactively identify potential challenges and have strategies in place to address them. Our team communicates any issues promptly and works to find effective solutions.

  • The insights provide a deep understanding of your customers, which can inform strategic decisions, improve marketing efforts, enhance product development, and drive overall business growth.

  • Yes, we offer follow-up consultations to discuss the findings in detail and explore how to implement the recommendations effectively. Follow up consultations (not including strategic plan development) are billed hourly.

Are you in?

Your next step is simple: fill out our consultation request form now. By customizing the entire process to your needs, this information helps us kickstart your journey with precision and insight.